Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Thermoset Plastics


Once cooled and hardened, these plastics retain their shapes and cannot return to their original form.
They are hard and durable.
A thermoset material is a polymer material which can be formed by heat and pressure, but not reformed by further application of heat and pressure.
•Thermoset, or thermosetting, plastics are synthetic materials that strengthenduring being heated, but cannot be successfully remolded or reheated after their initial heat-forming.
•This is in contrast to thermoplastics, which soften when heated and harden and strengthen after cooling.
•Thermosetting plastics will burn when heated after the initial molding.
•Thermoset plastic products are typically produced by heating liquid or powder within a mold, allowing the material to cure into its hardened form.
•These products can be removed from the mold even without allowing it to cool. 
The reaction used to produce thermosetting plastic products is not always the result of heating, and is sometimes performed by chemical interaction between specialized materials. 


Maintain their strength and shape even when heated.
excellent strength attributes (although they are brittle), and will not become weaker when the temperature increases.



The word plastic was first used around 1909 and is a commonly used synonym for polymers.
Plastic from the Greek word plastikos, means ‘ it can be molded and shaped’
•Plastic are groups of synthetic chemical compounds which are high polymers and which are at some stage plastic and could be shape by heat, with or without pressure into useful product.
Plastics are polymers, large molecules made of repeating units of smaller molecules (monomers) that are chemically bound together. A polymer is like a chain in which each link is a monomer.
All plastic is made of carbon. Man-made plastic uses carbon derived from oil, while biopolymers or bioplastics use carbon derived from natural materials. 


•All plastics are polymers, but not all polymers are plastics.
•Some familiar nonplastic polymers include starches (polymers of sugars), proteins (polymers of amino acids) and DNA (polymers of nucleotides).
•The simplified diagram below shows the relationship between monomers and polymers. 

The chemical properties of a polymer depend on:

The type of monomer or monomers that make up the polymer. The chemical properties of homopolymer 1 are different from those of homopolymer 2 or the copolymers.
The arrangement of monomers within the polymer. The chemical properties of the straight polymers are different from those of the branched polymers.

•Plastic are light in weight
• resistant to most chemicals ( also corrosion-resistant)
• excellent electrical insulators
• easy to shape into finish parts
•adequately strong 
Compared with metals, polymers/plastic are generally characterized by
•low density
•low strength and stiffness
•Low electrical and thermal conductivity
•Good resistance to chemicals 
•High coefficient of thermal expansion
  1. Thermosets
  2. Thermoplastics

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

3D Max: Chrome Effect

1- material editor > standard > diffuse color tukar kale dark grey
      R: 37 G: 37 B: 37
2-specular highlight > adjust ikut kesesuaian lbih kurang   dlm pic dibawah 

3 - scroll kebwh dan cari maps >> klik reflection dan tukar none kpd raytrace. value bole tukar range 85-100

 4- background >> follow pic dibawah

5- dkt bitmap amik image dibawah

6- lepas siap bole adjust kt output cm pic dibawah (xnk pon xpe..ikut kesesuaian)

ni hasilnya

Wednesday, 9 March 2011


Testing testing..welcome to :)